**Theo D.M. Loftis**
Writer ◉ Artist ◉ Maker of Spirits

Theo was born in the South and lives in Philadelphia. Preoccupied by resonant, sensory, and site-specific work, they aim to expand and share inquiry through interdisciplinary projects that spark curiosity and connection.


◉ Working/learning at a local craft distillery with a focus on botanical and barrel-aged spirits ◉ (Slowly) working on a poetry manuscript, playing with themes of madness and spirituality ◉ Expanding an experimental spirit-making practice into herbal non-alcoholics through a project called Fancy Alchemist


◉ Reading a lot of poetry
◉ Making art with plants
◉ Studying/practicing languages (mainly romance, some Russian)
◉ Learning about collaboration and non-violent communication
◉ Thinking about the power of “public feelings”
◉ Trying to get back into sewing

 email me (really! do it~)

arts admin/curatorial work

writing samples 


~*Website Always Under Construction*~

Background image:
Christopher Dresser, The Art of Decorative Design, 1862